Little Joe: a book about queers and cinema, mostly
2024Little Joe: a book about queers and cinema, mostly is an anthology of Sam Ashby’s iconic magazine of the same name, and features essays and interviews by John Cameron Mitchell, Jenni Olson, Peter Strickland, A. L. Steiner, Ira Sachs, Liz Purhcell, and more. The cover design and inside collages celebrate the diy and punk history of queer and trans cinema, as well as being a callback to the early days of queer zinemaking.
Made in collaboration with Sam Ashby
︎︎︎ Cover Design
︎︎︎ Collage

We Always Find Each Other: LGBTQ Histories of Community Building in Minnesota
2024We Always Find Each Other: LGBTQ Histories of Community Building in Minnesota was curated by Olivia Austin, Aiden Bettine, and Jared Maire for Twin Cities Pride’s History Pavilion. Over 30 panels with over 450 images, We Always Find Each Other showcases the many avenues through which LGBTQ people have built community in the state of Minnesota. Pulled from throughout the Tretter Collection in GLBT Studies at the University of Minnesota Libraries, these histories emerge from the archival materials our community has entrusted us to preserve so we can facilitate intergenerational knowledge sharing.
Made in collaboration with The Jean-Nickolas Tretter Collection in GLBT Studies
︎︎︎ Exhibit Identity
︎︎︎ Exhibit Curation
︎︎︎ Exhibit Design

2022Positive and cozy designs for Target’s tween brand, Art Class.
Made in collaboration with Target and Art Class.
︎︎︎ Apparel
︎︎︎ T-Shirts

disrupt! decentralize! distribute! DIY Printing in the Queer Underground
2023disrupt! decentralize! distribute! DIY Printing in the Queer Underground was an exhibit curated by Aiden Betine, Jared Maire, and Gabe McHenry of the Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection in GLBT Studies. The exhibit–which showcased queer and trans print publications and printing techniques from the 1960s through the 2000s–coincided with the Midwest Queer & Trans Zine Fest at Open Book in Minneapolis.
Made in collaboration with The Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection in GLBT Studies
︎︎︎ Exhibit Identity
︎︎︎ Exhibit Curation
︎︎︎ Publication Design

Next Music
2022Sessions Live was a livestreaming service that combined tips, competitions, and subscriptions to boost the careers of up-and-coming musicians. Their product, NextMusic, aimed to elevate the brand by offering premium services such as career tutorials by industry level experts, distribution through their music label, advertising, and more.
Made in collaboration with Sessions Live.
︎︎︎ Branding
︎︎︎ Identity Systems
︎︎︎ Web Design
︎︎︎ App Design